Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics | Targeted Independent Practice
The Targeted Independent Practice: Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics program has been designed to diagnostically target and help students learn the grammar, usage, and mechanics concepts and skills they have not yet mastered.
The program is simple to implement and has been designed for independent work.
- The teacher administers, grades, and records the whole-class diagnostic assessments. Each assessment item corresponds to a well-crafted worksheet, each with a formative assessment.
- Students complete targeted Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics worksheets, indicated as concept and skill deficits, according to the assessment data.
- Students self-correct each assigned worksheet to learn from their mistakes and use this knowledge to complete the written formative assessment.
- The teacher grades the formative assessment and records mastery on the progress monitoring matrix.
This easy-to-use program provides efficient and effective differentiated instruction that fills instructional gaps, accelerates learning, and equips students to master the requisite grammar, usage, and mechanics skills to improve their writing and speaking sophistication.
Easy classroom management. Perfect for independent work during small groups, ideal for sub plans, a quick go-to for rainy days, nothing better for early finishers.
The 45 grammar and usage worksheets and 32 mechanics worksheets include definitions, examples, skill practice, and writing hints about how to apply the skill within authentic writing. Students complete only those worksheets which the diagnostic assessments determine to be un-mastered skills.
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Worksheets
- Common Nouns
- Proper Nouns
- Pronouns
- Adjectives
- Verbs
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Coordinating Conjunctions
- Subordinating Conjunctions
- Correlative Conjunctions
- Simple and Complete Subjects
- Compound Subjects
- Simple and Complete Predicates
- Compound Predicates
- Simple Sentences / Types of Sentences
- Compound Sentences
- Complex Sentences
- Compound-Complex Sentences
- Fragments
- Run-Ons
- Subject Case Pronouns
- Object Case Pronouns
- Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns
- Pronoun-Antecedents
- Who, Whose, Whom, That, Which
- Indefinite People Pronouns
- Indefinite Size or Amount Pronouns
- Past Participles
- Present Participles
- Dangling / Misplaced Modifiers
- Short Comparative Modifiers
- Short Superlative Modifiers
- Long and __ly Comparative Modifiers
- Long and __ly Superlative Modifiers
- Linking and Helping Verbs
- Modals
- Past Tense Verbs
- Past Progressive Verbs
- Past Perfect Verbs
- Present Tense Verbs
- Present Progressive Verbs
- Present Perfect Verbs
- Future Tense Verbs
- Future Progressive Verbs
- Future Perfect Verbs
- Commas with Speaker Tags
- Commas with Appositives
- Commas with Series
- Commas with Introductions
- Commas with Geography
- Commas with Nouns of Direct Speech
- Commas with Conjunctions
- Commas in Letters
- Commas with Coordinate Adjectives
- Capitalization of People / Characters
- Capitalization of Places
- Capitalization of Things
- Capitalization of Holidays and Dates
- Capitalization of Organizations and Businesses
- Capitalization of Language and People Groups
- Capitalization of Events and Historical Periods
- Movie and Television Show Titles
- Books / Magazine / Newspaper / Website Titles
- Song / Poem Titles
- Play / Work of Art Titles
- Book Chapter Titles
- Article Titles
- Short Story / Document Titles
- Direct Quotations
- Apostrophes (Contractions)
- Semicolons
- Parentheses / Dashes
- Apostrophes (Singular Possessives)
- Apostrophes (Plural Possessives)
- Colons
- Periods with Abbreviations / Initials / Acronyms
- Exclamation Points
Note that the full contents of this program are included in the comprehensive grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and high school Teaching Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics and the Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Interactive Notebook programs.
The Targeted Independent Practice Series:
- Reading Fluency and Comprehension
- Spelling
- Phonics
- Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
- Literacy Knowledge
- Executive Function and Study Skills
Quality, targeted independent practice programs to enhance any teacher's instructional toolkit. Each program is only $29.99 (lifetime license one teacher). Buy three; get one free!
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