Literacy Knowledge | Targeted Independent Practice
Literacy knowledge refers to how language and text are organized to communicate. The Targeted Independent Practice: Literacy Knowledge lessons will serve as a crash course for your students in literacy knowledge (literary genres, language structures, literary elements, literary and poetic devices). All teachers struggle to fit in instruction and practice with these Standards--this program will help you get it done! Includes 20 common genres with 20 multi-day lessons.
The Targeted Independent Practice: Literacy Knowledge program has been specifically designed to provide meaningful, diagnostically-assessed lessons for students to complete as independent work. Easy classroom management. Perfect for independent work during small groups, ideal for sub plans, a quick go-to for rainy days, nothing better for early finishers.
The Literacy Knowledge Self-Assessment will help teachers differentiate instruction by selecting only those lessons which students have not-yet mastered, or teachers may choose to teach the lesson whole-class if the data indicates that all students need the lesson.
The instructional design is the same for each Targeted Independent Practice: Literacy Knowledge multi-day lesson.
ü Students complete the Literacy Knowledge Self-Assessment.
ü The teacher analyzes the diagnostic results and assigns genre lessons according to the assessment data.
ü Students read and make marginal annotations for each assigned lesson.
ü Students complete the worksheets as independent practice.
ü When finished, students self-correct to learn from their own mistakes.
ü Students complete a brief formative assessment–an original narrative or sensory description writing sample, which exemplifies the genre and applies the language structure, literary elements, and literacy or poetic devices characteristic of that genre. Students place a checkmark √ before each sentence which features these characteristics, and labels the terms in the nearest margin.
ü The teacher reviews the students’ margin labels and corresponding sentences to determine mastery.
The Targeted Independent Practice Series:
- Reading Fluency and Comprehension
- Spelling
- Phonics
- Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
- Literacy Knowledge
- Executive Function and Study Skills
Quality, targeted independent practice programs to enhance any teacher's instructional toolkit. Each program is only $29.99 (lifetime license one teacher). Buy three; get one free!
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