Differentiated Spelling Instruction Grade 8
Differentiated Spelling Instruction Grade 8 is a full-year spelling patterns program featuring weekly grade level word lists, tests, and spelling sorts plus diagnostically targeted worksheets to help students master previous grade level spelling patterns. In other words, students catch up while they keep up with grade level instruction.
There is no better spelling program for your grade level students, GATE students, SPED, ESL/ELD, and below grade level students. Perfect for RtI or MTSS.
The research-based program resources help students orthographically map the sound-spelling patterns and retain what they have learned. Students learn the conventional spelling rules, spelling-vocabulary connections, and foreign language influences they need to write with confidence. No silly themed lists of colors, animals, or words that end with "ly."
This no-prep program is easy-to-teach and doesn't take up too much instructional time. You do have other subjects to teach!
All program components are digital downloads (no print books).
"I work with a large ELL population at my school and was not happy with the weekly spelling tests, etc. Through my research in best practices, I know that spelling patterns and word study are so important at this age group. However, I just couldn't find anything out there that combines the two. We have just adopted RtI at my school and your spelling matrix is a great tool for documentation. The grade level spelling program and remediation are perfect for my students."
The program includes weekly spelling lists built upon developmental spelling patterns. Students learn to apply the rules of spelling rather than just memorizing arbitrary word lists.
Diagnostic: Students take a weekly spelling pattern pretest and self-correct. Students create personal spelling lists from the words missed on their pretest, spelling errors identified in their writing, spelling errors from their previous spelling posttests, and from the supplemental resources provided in the appendix.
The teacher explains the weekly spelling pattern. Students complete the spelling pattern word sort and self-correct in class. Students study their personal spelling lists.
Formative: Students take the posttest (once a week or bi-weekly) in pairs, alternating dictations.
Summative: After seven weeks of instruction, students take a summative assessment of the seven previous spelling patterns.
Students take the Diagnostic Spelling Assessment (a comprehensive spelling patterns assessment... not a random sample qualitative spelling inventory), using the audio file included in the program. The teacher corrects the test and records spelling pattern deficits on the progress monitoring matrix.
Students complete targeted worksheets corresponding to the spelling patterns they missed on the diagnostic assessment. Each worksheet explains the spelling pattern, provides examples, includes a spelling sort, has a word jumble, rhyme, and/or book search, and includes a short formative assessment to determine whether or not the student has mastered the spelling pattern. Students self-correct the worksheet to learn from their mistakes and mini-conference with the teacher, who corrects the formative assessment to determine mastery. If mastered, the teacher marks as such on the progress monitoring matrix.
Now that's effective differentiated instruction! Your students can catch up, while they keep up with grade level spelling instruction.
The program is easy to teach. We even provide two quick YouTube training videos to ensure your success!
Spelling Teaching Resources
- How to Study Spelling Words
- Spelling Proofreading Strategies for Stories and Essays
- Heart Words (Words with One or More Non-Phonetic Parts)
- Grade 6 Academic Language Words
- The 450 Most Frequently Used Words
- The 100 Most Often Misspelled Words
- The 70 Most Commonly Confused Words
- Eight Great Spelling Rules, Memory Songs, and Raps (with Mp3 links)
- Spelling Review Games
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